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About the Authors

Gem and Ellena J. (Bio read on book)

Gem and Ellena J. grew up knwoing eachother for most of their lives, but for the first ten years of life, they only saw eachother maybe, once in three years.  They live across the country from eachother, (Ellena in Maine and Gem in Utah) and Gem is thirteen years old (fourteen in December '08) and Ellena is 12 (Thirteen in November '08).

To learn more about how they came up with Anellma living across the country....visit the about page.

Gem Banks

Gem grew up in Utah, where she is still currently living. Gem has a younger brother, and lives with her parents. Gem loves to write-obviously-and is probably more siked about Anellma than Ellena J. is, because she can get very hyperactive. Kidding. Haha. Okay, moving on.

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Ellena J, Fidrat

Ellena J. Fidrat (pronounced: E-LANE-uh, like Elena only with two "L"s.) 

Ellena lives in Maine, where she lives with her sister (who is currently in college) and her parents.


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